Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Intro to Judaism (not really)

Enter. Sit down. Spill everything you know about Hebrew Prayers GO.


When the FutureHusb and I walked into our "Intro to Judaism Class" title "Introduction to the Reform Jewish Prayer Service: Part 1" we thought it would be, at the very least, introductory...


Our very adorable, very nerdy teacher CLEARLY just took some big seminar on the in's and out's of Hebrew esoterics and went. to. town.

I wasn't even safe in the company of my fellow students. They were spittin' Hebrew rhymes like Matisyahu. (That simile was probably in poor taste) Mike's inappropriate way of saying it will not be posted here, but suffice to say these ladies were not novices.

I felt slammed straight back to my first day in AP Human Geography (9th grade). Mr. Terlizzi started asking "basic" questions about Middle Eastern GDP, and I looked like I had never seen a map before.

At least my dress was cute.

I diligently took notes, and tried to avoid eye-contact with Mark Zuckerberg as he discussed the difference between prayer, standing and standing prayer.


Listening to this character was akin to listening to a Graduate assistant teach any kind of basic class.

                      " Forget what the real professor has been teaching, I have discovered the REAL SECRETS AND I SHALL SHOW YOU THE LIGHT."


So Mike and I decided that it might be best to just go to services for a while. This way, the next time someone asks me "what's something that you notice that happens in all or most Jewish prayer services?";
I will actually have something to write down.

I did learn one thing however.

.tfel  ot thgir werbeH daer uoY


Friday, January 6, 2012

Wedding Venue...Moooore or less selected

I love google images. You can be as specific as you want, and you usually get exactly what you needed, but didn't know it existed yet. For example today, I was making an "American Flag" video and googled "American Flag Crying Eagle".

See Below:

It's absolutely majestic!

So with that in mind, I decided to post a few pictures of the venue towards which the F.H. and I are leaning.

It's a historic Jewish Temple located in the heart of Ghent called: Ohef Sholom. Yes with two "o's".

Our journey to Ohef first began with my googling of conversion classes in the area.
I came upon a couple of Temples, only to be dismayed by the outdated graphics or funky layouts of their pages. Then came the Ohef Sholom site, and I though, "Haven't we Met?"

In fact this very same temple was the site of one notorious "Casino Night" that I played with the Rhythm Kings. It's not really notorious; I just thought that sounded nice and dramatic...
Anywho, I emailed the woman to ask her some intro questions, and she invited us to come to the soonest class we could make. (That will be this coming Sunday).

But I couldn't wait...

The day after New Year's (Also known as January 2) we set off on a journey to Ghent. I got us lost, of course, because I can't navigate Norfolk any better than I could navigate my new school on the first day. But we finally found it thanks to the Mapplication on my phone.

It. Is. Gorgeous.
And that's just from the outside.

We walked around thinking "there's no way we're going to get in here" when low and behold a jolly-looking man comes out of the double glass doors. He definitely had a monosyllabic name that, of course, I can't remember now, but he took us on a tour of the whole building.

And that is when we fell in love.

So I googled some pics to highlight the pros of this awesome building.

1. Adorably historical:

There is no shortage of awesome Judaica hanging from these walls. 

2. The actual worship hall/sanctuary is massive, amazing and charming while awe-striking.

The colours are all white and green, which i think will compliment our Black and White well...

3. Space is not an issue

Even though this is from a Bat Mitzvah, you can tell that the Social hall can become quite an event space. With the stage and 250+ capacity, it is absolutely perfect.

And if that weren't enough:

Need I say more?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Just spent waaay too much of my planning time doing MAKEOVERS

My sister and I are in (one of many) silent wars right now. She thinks I need to wear my hair down; whereas, I am not committed to one hairstyle or the other. Given the uniqre nature of the gown, I will want to emphasize facial features while simulatenous flattering the dress. So my hair is going to have to multitask.

(Ya hear that hair! Apache Jump on it!)

So I have found some celebrity hairstyles that I like/don't hate...


(minus the highlights)

Ignoring my Frankentstein-esque approach to Photoshop... Which one is good. Or are there other options?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Centerpiece trial run

I made this using a found wine bottle, hot glue, black acrylic paint, pictures and black ribbon.

Black and White Centerpieces/Decorations without Looking Macabre..

How do I accomplish this?

Everything I have seen looks like a tacky deathbox from Jack Skellington's Wedding.

My Big Fat Hallo-Wedding ?

I've ruled out the Christmas Balls, so now on to bigger and better things. Just Not Table Coffins. 

It's coming to me now. ok I used to make these photo-bottles using pictures, wine bottles and modgepodge.
Will get back to this later.

Sephiroth Accepted!!!!!

I've never been so happy!